engaging we us first with the current "find-situation of the Witch-Flyers: As you can see from the report of the current bus station magazine, there is this witch-flyer really, but to receive it, the visitor of the newly built Information Centre know about it already because otherwise he has no chance of this information booklet to get even, as it is, as I said, hiding under the table as Bückware
Ergo. who do nothing about the existence of a flyer knows that is completely of this information excluded.
is still obscure, it then of course when we find the explanation of the employees of this tourist resort in Bamberg, why This flyer is not publicly ausliegt: "It is after all a Brenz liges issue, as had happened in those few bad things."
We shall now Just imagine a fictional situation in which an average citizen Bamberger is on a world tour. In the beautiful Beijing this man learns nothing from the massacre at Tienamen place in New York he learns nothing about the attacks of 11 September, and in Cambodia, there is then no information about the Khmer Rouge. How would these travelers as if he would see the end of his trip that he simply this, historical information have been denied?
But now we turn the tables but just around!
Following the announcement of the published admissions for the city of Bamberg, one can assume that in the current year for the first time the 2 million-visitor mark will be reached, say, more than 2 million tourists are the romantic Bamberg have visited in the next 12 months.
If this number is now 2 million compares with the number of information flyers were printed for the mass murder of the Catholic witch-burning in Bamberg (10,000), then this means that about 200 tourists a share of this flyer . Would
Since this information booklet, but only in German is, you have to go out, unfortunately, the fact that an "international tourists" will be impossible to discern, on which historic pavement, he moves when he powerfully not the German language is.
Is not that a "two-class tourism"?
On 14 September 2008, the witches of the Catholic Inquisition prison for the first time the public was presented - in the name of the German building construction. Since then, the "dream city of the Germans" nothing significant happens which could serve to educate the mass killings at that time.
On the other hand, was as the YOUTUBE-education profile " Johannesjunius " alone in the last 12 months about 317 000 times clicked. This is the channel of the martyr burnt alive (including Maleficent website) the only significant source of information on the Maleficent house (in German and in English). is
that this unique educational initiative by a private production and finance, says it all ...
"The bad things that have happened back then ... the ticklish issue ": how do you feel as city employees in this proud building of power it actually fun to the tourists from all over the world to the defining feature of the social history of Bamberg cheat
On the one hand, therefore, there is the official group that is with tax money paid for UNESCO World Heritage traitor and on the other hand, some historic interest rebels, who want to see not go away, that the fate of the hitherto completely unknown martyrs continue to be denied under the guise of promoting tourist image.
The scandal is not in our activities, but in the concrete brazen attitude of the officials responsible Bamberg. With education or fair, friendly treatment of paying tourists from all over the world the official tourism policy of the World Heritage city to do nothing at all.
With regard to the UNESCO in its statutes explicitly required "information literacy" either.
cosmopolitanism is definitely in this day and age differently.
tbc ...
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