Monday, October 4, 2010

Burst Capillaries On Foreskin

websites witch burning 2010 -> Part 2

The press spokeswoman for the city of Bamberg, Ulrike Seven hair, was interviewed on the subject, and said

Bamberg beautiful cities have the problem, here go under many topics. The city is too rich in stories, so do you be hard to focus on individual things, one could get bogged down easily, "witch hunts are in the collective memory of date, because it's so long ago."

My first personal question to Mrs. Ulrike Siebenhaar is this: I would like to know which episode of the Bamberg City History even close to half as exciting and interesting is how the era of witch hunts, covered up?

And even if you do something personally difficult "to concentrate on individual matters" ... do not believe also that there are many people who would focus only too happy to this unique part of the story if you would give them a realistic chance in the first place to get knowledge of the brutal mass murder and torture of the Catholic Inquisition ?

And as for the collective memory: the diocese founding in 1007 was with great fanfare a whole Year with all the high ecclesiastical offices and an exhibition celebrating ... so that was about 600 years before the witch hunts ...

proper limit is but if you walk your comment to a proposed memorial is not even for the martyrs of the Inquisition Bamberger:
"if the planned" neighborhood at the City Wall "was completed in Bamberg, one could," said the spokeswoman of the city, "attach perhaps also a sign

O-Ton woman Siebenhaar. " It seems to me the most charming solution, also because of the Near the site of the Maleficent-house. "

forgiveness - but even after the annual consumption of 400 liters of beer Bamberger best - it really should be no enlightened brain, understand that this reasoning can, for charm and mass murder MMN can be. positively not really manifest in a memorial.

And what that mentioned "district on the city wall" is concerned: because of insolvency of the builder, this project was postponed indefinitely ...


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