Monday, December 27, 2010

Homemade Mouse Food Recipe

500 000 Clicks to Johannes Junius

even though the channel of " johannesjunius " on "educational channel" on YOUTUBE is So are more than half a million videos were viewed. How many times have seen this video of the individual users, or how many people sat in front of the screen, you can not say, however, the success of this profile is a clear sign that an extremely large number of people is a growing interest in the real has a history of the Catholic Inquisition.

MMN This proves even more that described historical facts is not available mass of officials, represented by their request and discretion.

The truth can not be stopped ...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Yoga On Hargray Cable

closing days

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the skateboard eV and high ollies in 2011!

On 12.24.2010, 12.25.2010, 31.12.2010 01:01:11, and the hall remains closed!

Dennes, Ollie
Photo Chris Eggers

Monday, December 13, 2010

Number Of Obese In Singapore 2010

Fremdschaemen á la carte items

have just three weeks ago to visit my little home town -

met by chance on Thursday evening with friends a couple of nice people from Dusseldorf, which - there is indeed no coincidence.

purpose of the visit: the law had one birthday a 3-day cultural trip given to Bamberg - with everything that goes with it: booked expensive romantic hotel, a few churches and museums visited, the finest Franconian cuisine and the best beer of Bamberg and then enjoyed a "midnight historical city tour," participated, but as "self-portrayal, substantially felt inferior "was

had of course noticed this visitor no sound and no word from the true history of the city -. and then there were more than surprised when she studied here in Fuerteventura Maleficent our web site, for they felt "cheated somehow ...

In the following discussion, I've really" foreign ashamed "because such people can explain how that one comes from a city that is a shit seeks to have it appear to have tourists who spend their money not only there but also the nerve have to want to learn the true story of the UNESCO World Heritage site.

information literacy - nil - but beer impregnated world sub-bliss of the Bamberg Tourist thugs in the sense of esprit de corps Catholic ... Awareness, education works in the 21st century?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How Long To Sleep Eze Take

witch burning 2010 -> Part 4

Posted by Robert Zink, head of the municipal archives Bamberg: " The theme of witch-hunting is in the Historical Museum in good hands Why not make that story earlier open. discussed had, he explained with "may exist concerns that they - unlike the city of Dachau, which is so commonly mentioned only in connection with the concentration camp - that did not do the image of the city."

first time, speaks at a formal official of the city of Bamberg, an unpopular truth, how is Mr. Robert zinc on the idea that the city's image Dachau , in any manner and ways to equate it with the image of the city Bamberg ?

Similarly, one can see his words, that it "not very openly discussed" the story to date, which can only mean one thing in reverse: have papered aware of this story.

meaning of his words but not that, at any time, leaders of the city of Bamberg have addressed this issue and then decided that they have the image of the city of Bamberg is important , as the historical truth?

Scientific Findings are suppressed and censored public: the unimaginable horrors of the Catholic Church had been exercised against innocent men, women and children, "debased Immaculate World Heritage-tale" whose sad fate is in the.

No visitor to the city of Bamberg gets officially presented the true story of murder Catholic Inquisition and is therefore not in a position to understand the complexity of the city of Bamberg's history really.

No one has the right to historical facts in any way Manipulate erase or cover up.

The occupation that you exercise should, in theory other moral values and objectives internalize than the inquisitive visitors to the city deliberately and fraudulently to cheat - just because you and others not fitting that three Catholic Prince Bishops of Bamberg, the center of the global persecution of witches did.

Behind every extant Act puts a pitiful fate of a respectable citizen of Bamberg and its surroundings, which are by the inhuman torture of the Catholic Inquisition Life lost. You and your kind conceal the historical facts and actively thus act in the spirit of a fox Dornheim, and not as a stand-and-date information.

commit my opinion, you doubt that historical misrepresentation and should also be removed from office.

Please read the following article

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chief Cakes In San Diego

DC Shoes Demo Team Germany, 12.12.2010, 15 clock

The German team from DC Shoes has been announced for the 12/12/2010 for a demo in the skateboard eV Skatehalle
Here we go to. 15 clock.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Relapsing With Chlamydia

REBENTISCH - Angst (Album "broken heart")

REBENTISCH The song "Fear" is of the death of a loved
people and what makes the turn for the families ...
acts in the music video of the Order of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
with which it makes among others the task of collecting donations
for people affected by HIV and AIDS.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Farting Birthday Ecard

group meetings 18.11. Luxembourg

on Thursday by 14 clock our next meeting at the Culture Cafe. We discuss the text "to improve the world reloaded" by Robert Misik, published in the September issue of the leaves. Viewed online here
All interested are welcome to attend.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Birthday Poem For Third Birthday


The Rosa Luxembourg starts reading group! Read the two texts "Reform or Revolution" and "Mass Strike, Party and trade union". meeting on Monday in a 16 clock Lecture Hall 16 (Forum 7) . The texts can be found here:

Roller Coaster Platinum Errores

railway privatization + Stuttgart 21

On Wednesday, 27th Octobe r we invite you to a theme night. To begin, we show the film "The Navigators" by Ken Loach, who deals with the privatization of British railways. Then we want to debate with you, the impact of the privatization of the railroad in Germany and to exchange about alternatives. For more information go here:
beginning at 18 clock. The room we enter yet known.

The Best Toure Kunda Mediafire

SDS Mainz imagines

On November 1st we are hosting a Information evening, where we introduce the association and our activities on site. We then do a pub crawl. Start is 18 clock at the main entrance Philosophicum . You are all welcome.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Groping On The Bus - In Western Watch

Tuesday: Girls Session Day 2 Photos

skateboard designer: Alex, Photo: Chris Eggers
Tuesday is now Girls Session Day! This means NOT Tuesday that only women may or skate on the other days are not allowed.
Come all!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spanish English Invitation Wording

2 pictures of injuries. Photo Chris Eggers (who writes to me is the skater)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Buy Magicool Australia

websites witch burning 2010 -> Part 3

engaging we us first with the current "find-situation of the Witch-Flyers: As you can see from the report of the current bus station magazine, there is this witch-flyer really, but to receive it, the visitor of the newly built Information Centre know about it already because otherwise he has no chance of this information booklet to get even, as it is, as I said, hiding under the table as Bückware

Ergo. who do nothing about the existence of a flyer knows that is completely of this information excluded.

is still obscure, it then of course when we find the explanation of the employees of this tourist resort in Bamberg, why This flyer is not publicly ausliegt: "It is after all a Brenz liges issue, as had happened in those few bad things."

We shall now Just imagine a fictional situation in which an average citizen Bamberger is on a world tour. In the beautiful Beijing this man learns nothing from the massacre at Tienamen place in New York he learns nothing about the attacks of 11 September, and in Cambodia, there is then no information about the Khmer Rouge. How would these travelers as if he would see the end of his trip that he simply this, historical information have been denied?

But now we turn the tables but just around!

Following the announcement of the published admissions for the city of Bamberg, one can assume that in the current year for the first time the 2 million-visitor mark will be reached, say, more than 2 million tourists are the romantic Bamberg have visited in the next 12 months.

If this number is now 2 million compares with the number of information flyers were printed for the mass murder of the Catholic witch-burning in Bamberg (10,000), then this means that about 200 tourists a share of this flyer . Would

Since this information booklet, but only in German is, you have to go out, unfortunately, the fact that an "international tourists" will be impossible to discern, on which historic pavement, he moves when he powerfully not the German language is.

Is not that a "two-class tourism"?

On 14 September 2008, the witches of the Catholic Inquisition prison for the first time the public was presented - in the name of the German building construction. Since then, the "dream city of the Germans" nothing significant happens which could serve to educate the mass killings at that time.

On the other hand, was as the YOUTUBE-education profile " Johannesjunius " alone in the last 12 months about 317 000 times clicked. This is the channel of the martyr burnt alive (including Maleficent website) the only significant source of information on the Maleficent house (in German and in English). is

that this unique educational initiative by a private production and finance, says it all ...

"The bad things that have happened back then ... the ticklish issue ": how do you feel as city employees in this proud building of power it actually fun to the tourists from all over the world to the defining feature of the social history of Bamberg cheat

On the one hand, therefore, there is the official group that is with tax money paid for UNESCO World Heritage traitor and on the other hand, some historic interest rebels, who want to see not go away, that the fate of the hitherto completely unknown martyrs continue to be denied under the guise of promoting tourist image.

The scandal is not in our activities, but in the concrete brazen attitude of the officials responsible Bamberg. With education or fair, friendly treatment of paying tourists from all over the world the official tourism policy of the World Heritage city to do nothing at all.

With regard to the UNESCO in its statutes explicitly required "information literacy" either.

cosmopolitanism is definitely in this day and age differently.

tbc ...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Burst Capillaries On Foreskin

websites witch burning 2010 -> Part 2

The press spokeswoman for the city of Bamberg, Ulrike Seven hair, was interviewed on the subject, and said

Bamberg beautiful cities have the problem, here go under many topics. The city is too rich in stories, so do you be hard to focus on individual things, one could get bogged down easily, "witch hunts are in the collective memory of date, because it's so long ago."

My first personal question to Mrs. Ulrike Siebenhaar is this: I would like to know which episode of the Bamberg City History even close to half as exciting and interesting is how the era of witch hunts, covered up?

And even if you do something personally difficult "to concentrate on individual matters" ... do not believe also that there are many people who would focus only too happy to this unique part of the story if you would give them a realistic chance in the first place to get knowledge of the brutal mass murder and torture of the Catholic Inquisition ?

And as for the collective memory: the diocese founding in 1007 was with great fanfare a whole Year with all the high ecclesiastical offices and an exhibition celebrating ... so that was about 600 years before the witch hunts ...

proper limit is but if you walk your comment to a proposed memorial is not even for the martyrs of the Inquisition Bamberger:
"if the planned" neighborhood at the City Wall "was completed in Bamberg, one could," said the spokeswoman of the city, "attach perhaps also a sign

O-Ton woman Siebenhaar. " It seems to me the most charming solution, also because of the Near the site of the Maleficent-house. "

forgiveness - but even after the annual consumption of 400 liters of beer Bamberger best - it really should be no enlightened brain, understand that this reasoning can, for charm and mass murder MMN can be. positively not really manifest in a memorial.

And what that mentioned "district on the city wall" is concerned: because of insolvency of the builder, this project was postponed indefinitely ...

Friday, October 1, 2010

How Do You Know When A Tooth Implant Is Failing?

Education Who calls ....

yes it is getting ridiculous, Mr. Hipelius

I have my A-levels at the Clavius Gymnasium Bamberg made in the past and then also at the OTTO-FRIEDRICH UNIVERSITY year art history student.

The true history of Bamberg was then and is even now hidden "under the guise of world culture's folklore lie" and you have personally MMN a large proportion of this "moral flexibility" .

It's time to emphasize the sails ... go to your "earned retirement" and think about it ... Cultural Officer - harhar.

Beer Cultural Officer, perhaps ...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Religious Facebook Status Quotes

Sarrazin "truths"

- live in Berlin twenty percent of the population who are not used economically, of Hartz IV and transfer income.

- I have to acknowledge anyone who lives by the state, that state refuses to be reasonable for the education of his children does not provide, and continuously produces new small headscarf girls. This applies to seventy percent of the Turkish and for ninety percent of the Arab population in Berlin.

- A large number of Arabs and Turks in this city has no productive purpose, except for the fruit and vegetable trade, and it will probably not develop into perspective. This is also a part of the German lower class.

- Turkish heat offices can not promote the city. Large parts of the Turkish-and Arabic-born population in Berlin are neither willing nor capable of integration integration.

- My idea would be: in general no longer move except for the highly skilled and in perspective, no more transfers for immigrants.

- We have in Berlin forty percent lower class birth, and fill the schools and the Classes, including many children of single parents. We in the family policy to switch completely, away from benefits, particularly in the lower class.

- For five euros, would I go to work at any time. That would be 40 euros per day.

- When energy costs are so high as the rents are to superior to the people, whether with a thick sweater can not live reasonably well at 15 or 16 degrees room temperature.

- The German-Russians still have an old German work ethic.

- If you look at it, is the smallest problem of Hartz IV recipients to underweight.

The only appropriate response to such a place one blogger for the Lyzis.

"recognize I have no one who lives by the State, that State also acknowledges, keeps his brain damage to education and constantly produces new German morons Much of the German politician but no productive purpose other than for the women and weapons trafficking. "

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gym Teacher In Shower With Student

Update and moral courage

"The treasures we seek are historical evidence." So said the City Archaeologist Pfaffenberger recently.

Under the motto was probably the panel discussion "EXPERTISE ON MEMORIAL", which took place on September 20 in Bamberg instead ... (Satire any event).

In view of the sad facts we would rather be talking to another ex-Bamberger, for Claudius Seidl said about the FAZ monument:

"And at worst it is in the most beautiful cities such as Bamberg, where not a single bomb fell on the town, so there is standing next to Baroque Baroque and every second house is an inn, where the good Franconian beer drunk is, on the day of the open monument to drink just two more half-and imagines a past that looks something like this to sit for a thousand francs happy years in the pubs and drink beer and feel comfortable here. Again, it means not just think.

thinking spoils the mood, and when one of the happy drinkers recalled that the beautiful city a world capital of the witch hunt and was burning, he gets a beer. And to laugh and nothing else. "

And while in" the Dream city of the Germans, officials continue to hold the lid of the cover-up on the true history of the city were, on the Internet, more than 400,000 videos of "regarded JOHN JUNIUS" These are currently around 1,000 requests -.. Per day

any days therefore experience more and more interested people that the publicly proclaimed history of Bamberg "something is wrong."

you should be also of the opinion that it would be desirable to finally hear from officials on how to the more distant future imagine, given unsuspecting of 2 million tourists per year, you show courage and send the below Completed application to the city of Bamberg.

More info: / ref = ts dasZOB

The money from the tourists is of course welcome at - the truth is bent - we live in the Age of Enlightenment ... Foreign ashamed?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dry Mouth On Adderall

stand and photo exhibition at the Festival Kavantgarde

On 01 Oct 02, and our friends from the Karlsruhe 'Internet blog Kavantgarde their biggest event to date in the old meat market hall hold onto the slaughterhouse. Besides it is much Feierei on Friday afternoon also be a cultural market in which we will also be represented with a booth along with several other institutions from the fan-shaped city. We are there to first issue the photos that were taken during the renovation of our former staff photographer Simon and studied. In addition, you will have the opportunity you acquire a fancy skateboard eV-shirt sale.
more info and the lineup of the festival you experience: here

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Enemas To Stop Farting


REBENTISCH pleased about the ever-increasing media interest
Spain. An update on
the new album "Under the city" can be found at the following link

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hyperthyroidism And Hyperhidrosis

It is not always the size of

but to the content.

Today was the third copy a new city newspaper called ZOB published

you like to be able to download here.

Whether you are a reader Bamberger now, or have nothing on this city "hat "but if you are interested in the historical treatment of the local witch-hunting, they are supplied by the magazine in only 3 issues with more historical information than you so far ever in the Bamberg Daily Press (FT - Fränkischer days Bamberg) on this mass murder could read at about 1000 innocent citizens.

This assertion can be easily verified, by logging in as the on-line archive of this publishing house and looking after Maleficent HOUSE ...

What keeps the contents of the current article Bamberg historical consciousness among the counter concerns: it are some Quotes reprinted, you must be possible to melt on the tongue sometimes really e.

It will have more to say ...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Age Of Empires 2 How To Resume A Multiplayer Game

REBENTISCH in nocturnal - magazine No. 2 in the

The new night-active music magazine is available!
located in the new issue No. 2, including a detailed
Rebentisch interview,
and a song by the band on either
enclosed CD Compilation.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bare Bottomed Athletes

Photos of the re-opening on 31.07.2010