Monday, June 2, 2008

Can I Watch South Park On My Ipod

Drive your car with water instead of gasoline or diesel

Turn your car into a water-burning hybrid vehicle!
The water converter operates at 99.9% of all cars.

following is a translation of the manual for the construction of the water-hybrid system from English into German.

A good start is probably that first had to learn to understand what these water hybrid technology is . First I would like to respond to frequently asked questions.

What is the water-hybrid system?
A water hybrid is able to convert their cars from gasoline in a water-burning car. It can also be used for normal operation in order to reduce consumption. The transducer directs gas consisting of hydrogen and oxygen, obtained by electrolysis of water, for combustion. Although gasoline is no longer needed in theory, it is advisable to discontinue the operation not. The only by-product, as a result of the hydrogen and oxygen combustion water vapor. Therefore, the emissions and pure, created with the result that less particulate matter. In short, "The water-hybrid system is a" clean "system , one that a complementary alternative to gasoline is burlap;! water

The water-hybrid system is a thousand times in use and has already put in countless ways by engineers, mechanics, and hobbyists around the world to the test. It is the result of many years testing and experimenting with a variety of hydrogen generating systems based on electrolysis of water.

is water electrolysis simple words, the splitting of water into its components, hydrogen and oxygen. It takes no electrolytes (such as acid) cause the water to the conductivity of the water is given, as in a battery. Plain water works well because it already contains natural electrolytes in the form of mineral additives such as chlorine and in addition, contributes to the conductivity. Actually, the electrolysis is similar to your car battery. Electrolysis of water is nothing new. It was first used 100 years ago. But until the technology of how the water-hybrid system was developed, it needed a strong power source and consumed a quantity of electrical energy. It took a lot more electrical energy than the product brought Hydrogen and oxygen, obtained it. Anderst said it was an extremely ineffective process that had only very limited practical use.

The water-hybrid system is designed as a practical solution to be used in Benzineinspritzern and Vergasserfahrzeugen. The secret of the water-hybrid system is hidden in the HyTronic module . It produces a relatively low voltage, but a sufficient electronic pulse. The consumption of HyTronic module and the water-hybrid system is low. So small that it can be easily operated by the energy of the engine, with enough residual power for all other electrical loads your vehicle.

If the water-hybrid system Perpetuummobilie?
The water-hybrid system is not a Perbetuummobilie. It is a highly efficient, water-filled, electronic-mechanical system capable enough hydrogen and oxygen in sufficient quantity prepare to offer a full use of conventional engines.

If the water-hybrid system safe?
vehicles which are driven by water-hybrid system, are generally safer than vehicles that are equipped with a hydrogen tank. In contrast to the hydrogen tanks, prodzuziert the water-hybrid system is only so much hydrogen from water as needed straight. This hydrogen is burned continuously, so as to avoid a large accumulation of hydrogen gas.

Why is called the water-hybrid system and converter?
The water-hybrid system is called conversion because it is not necessary that existing Systems of your vehicle away, have to be modified or extended. It is designed so that you can use your vehicle with either 100% gasoline or diesel fuel or the water-hybrid system. should fail in the unlikely event that your water-hybrid system once, you can simply switch back to operate on gasoline or diesel. But surely you will quickly bring back your water-hybrid system in transition. Because once you're down with the water-hybrid system, you do not want anything else!

How well the water-hybrid system?
A water-powered hybrid vehicle system has a theoretical range of 50-150 km for each liter of water, and reduces fuel consumption up to 45%. It depends on various factors, driving style, environment, vehicle weight and improve the skill of the system.

Can the water-hybrid system can also be used anderst?
Yes, the water-hybrid system can be used for almost any household appliance that is used with gas or propane to natural resources so as to save gas. In today's world, where prices for shooting into the air, this is probably the cheapest solution.
Exellent can use it for heating, cooking stove and barbecue grill. To the current from your wall outlet of 220 to get the required voltage to 12 volts, which is required for the operation of the water-hybrid system, you can use a transformer, you can now buy cheap already in any electronics shop. The power consumption of the water-hybrid system is in most cases less than 3 € per month.

is to build the water-hybrid system complicated?
No, the water-hybrid system is relatively easy to build and install, compared with other Wasserumwandler on the market. There are no special tools. Normal tool that is in a normally-equipped home workshop is sufficient. Only the assembly of the module HyTronic work requires a very precise and requires special attention. The only special part is a test oscilloscope. It is not necessary, but helps the efficiency of the module HyTronic guaranteed. But you should not see a problem here the help of a local electronics have to get, if you have no oscilloscope. Most people are excited about the new electronic systems and are happy to help or any advice to improve your HyTronic module.

Can I buy a water-hybrid system ready for installation?
Until now, not this specific water-hybrid system is not produced commercially, but there are already several vendors for parts or Even whole building systems offer using similar technologies and principles.

you can use your water-hybrid system with the building instructions to build yourself! A little bit of skill and understanding of the technology and it is not a problem

videos on the topic they can, under the heading "The Evidence" on this page. Just click on the left menu or read.

Note "Important note to all those who also want to install something in her car: Please note that such a system is not allowed according to traffic regulations in Germany."



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