Sunday, October 12, 2008
Foot Fungus Small Red Dot
Tomorrow, Monday, the 13 . October 2008 will be a book that as Bamberger citizen should read and the author Sabine Schweigand presents her book at a reading at 20:00 clock in the library, Pretty in person.
The book is titled "souls in the fire" and give to about 500 pages an impressive moral image of the former states of Bamberg in 1626 - 1632nd
I can imagine that this book in Bamberg will be much discussion, because in order to understand the unique history of this city really need to also use this dark part of the past receive and process.
The placement of these states is being addressed by the author in a very exciting narrative - with success, for there are several passages that are described simply heartbreaking and so this book is so deep under the skin.
Am looking forward to the recession.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Dallas Glory Holes Theaters In Dallas

all visitors on Heritage Day 2008 and therefore for all signatories to this initiative:
The Bamberg martyrs deserve a memorial.
Without the help of the following persons would not have been possible to produce the speech of last Sunday:
Franca Helen Heinsch: Historian
Ing Uwe Krüger: Positioning
Ralf reflection: 3D modeling animation +
Bernardo Eberstadt: Moral Consulting
Dr. Balthasar Schramm: advisory + Copyright
Karsten claw: Voice of "Johannes Junius"
Prof. Peter Wehr: art consulting
art-media Bamberg: Production + concept
Jörg Wasmus: Rendering
KC Glaser: video technology
JJ-Productions: Location Management BA
Carl Pico: Software Consulting
Jörg nations sound tec
Oliver Jacob 3G logistic / Apple Development
Wilbert Hirsch: Kompostion + production Soundtrack
Peter Enge Risser: historical derivation
Staatsarchiv Bamberg
Staatsbibliothek Bamberg
Apple Computer Cupertino
and of course my thanks also to my family and many dear helpers on site.

Apart from the fact that our event was on behalf of the building construction work a serious success with several hundred visitors, it must be clear that this is only a first step in the right direction can be. is offered
It is probably still a lot of water flowing down the Regnitz until one day we can perhaps say with complete justification, that the unfortunate victims refused to allow the History of the Inquisition Bamberger long "MINIMUM FOR REFERENCE.
given it would be necessary to install an appropriate memorial for the martyrs: so that all residents and visitors to our home town the whole of this unique history of the early modern period can understand in context.
This initiative is now responsible headed by historian Helen Franca Heinsch and it will be an interested citizen to have a petition to sign, which is to promote this desire - even On-Line this will be possible soon.
Education Pack
Our offer to all Bamberger schools is as follows:
we will put together a comprehensive package, and all relevant information about the epoch of the Bamberg witch trials in picture, sound, word, and of course, all historical data relevant to a interactive DVD - in a top-notch quality.
This product can order any Bamberger school with us - we assume the cost.
This would it make sense in our opinion, a union in this city of all participating institutions to give life to take account of all existing information together, evaluate and taught properly to produce as a teaching tool.
For a critique of the event
the uncontested allegation that I am not a historian, I comment as follows:
Everyone who deals with the study of history, can call antiquarian .
The word means nothing more than SCIENCE, KNOWLEDGE, and because our presentation and our websites have given a lot of uncontested knowledge whistle for me, I very casually to the criticism of historians, their "core competence" of me see it challenged - each of these people are significantly better opportunities than I would have had to work through this epoch-making core of the history of Bamberg, which is therefore also a unique monument of the social history of Germany and Europe - why has no one done then?
The allegation that "the lecture was lurid" I meet as follows: through the painstaking work of Mr. Krueger and Mr. reflection we have the torture chamber "the embarrassing question" new measure, completely reconstructed in 3D and also for historical depictions of contemporary artists established. This part of the work we have presented in any lecture, but left the torture chamber closed.
We have had at our expense in a studio Hamberger produce a soundtrack that acoustically would imagine in a medieval torture prison. This symphony of Graun we have not played, because it would have been just too cruel.
ran Instead, during the multimedia show unknown classical music we were exclusively provided by the composer Wilbert Hirsch (complete audio, Hamburg) - played by the Players & Singers of the Prague Symphony Orchestra .
Sorry for the "stall"
As I have previously never held a lecture, we thought that the whole film would expire in about 40 minutes. That eventually made it lasted an hour longer, we could not guess, for lack of time as it has not even been a dress rehearsal.
has since left but no one was ahead of the hall, probably the ok.
to finance the campaign
To date a dozen people have invested a lot of time and money into this company. No one to date has ever demanded money for it.
The future?
Since last week already gave the first tender official talks with the city of Bamberg - there are realistic new ideas and there will be other publications and press articles, all only have one goal: the best possible work-up of the whole truth, without political interference, without personal Nicklich and without the slightest compromise - because historical truths are not negotiable for us.
That's our job - and every citizen of Bamberg invited to contribute his knowledge and objective criticism.
Thank you for your attention.
Ralph Kloos
PS: Thanks to the collaboration of Peter Enge Risser and Uwe Krüger, we were also the course of the stream "flows under the question" clearly localize - There are 11 new slides, our location calculation clearly demonstrated. Overall, the position calculation has thus almost 90 films.
PSS: I have better things to do, as the boycott, and censorship of the local "press" comment.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Best Midrange Receiver For Music
Now there is the first official car that runs on water. In view of the magazine today a report of a car is the drive appeared with water.
20/06/2008 15:57
OSAKA (Japan) - In light of high gasoline prices, some people wish that his car would work without fuel. The Japanese now make the dream a reality.
You might think it originated with a cottage-garage of MacGyver. But who invented a water powered car the Japanese. More specifically, the clever minds of the company Genepax.
Last Week put them in front of our vehicle for the public and explained how it works: A special power generator separates the hydrogen particles from the rest and deprives them of the electrons. Result of the required energy is produced.
with a liter of water for about an hour you can drive about 80 miles an hour. can also be used, rain or sea water. Even the petrol-free mobile is not on the market. Genepax has just signed the patent for this invention. (Gsc)
the video, you can look here:
Tags: Driving a car with water, hydrogen power, HHO, Save Braun Sches gas, gasoline, alternative raw materials, water rather than gasoline, hydrogen water converter, where to get a hydrogen water conversion, water power, fuel saving, fuel saving, Stan Meyer water fuel water hybrid , water fuel cars
Links: http / /
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fatest Point And Shoot
Aquygen ™ gas (HHO gas from water) - Successor of Oxyacetylene - now also in the car to drive. ™ The company has filed a patent Aquygen with which it is possible to produce without much effort from water HHO gas.
reported The website for this closely. An application is
in (hybrid) vehicles, it also
Hybrid Hydrogen Car:
The special with this technique: NO storage in the high-pressure tank as before (~ 690 bar) with 10000PSI but on-demand production of HHO gas at max. 60 psi (~ 4.2 bar).
Friday, June 13, 2008
Is There A Home Remedy For Milia?
documented by before and after test
It is more difficult to observe all the companies in the world already offer hybrid HHO gas or fixtures. But today I got a really cool story of a company in Florida is one 4000th of a system called Hydro But what this Hydro 4000 is unique is that the company has made a public test run of the system together with a local news station in Florida. The news station has installed the system in one of your lorries. You have done a before and after test.
Their result: 9 miles per gallon without the HHO system. 23 miles per gallon with the HHO system. The more than double the mileage! Wow!
The price for this system ranges from $ 1,200 for cars and $ 7000 for trucks. Each approved car mechanic can easily install this system. should
Given that prices for oil on the market are constantly increasing, according to experts and get to 150 to 250 dollars per barrel, this news was a bright spot. The question that I just point, "How long does it take back with us in Germany can install up to these systems?"
Since this system is relatively expensive, it is advisable to buy the self-assembly instructions as e-books and HHO system for about 150 € to build itself according to instructions.
I stay tuned and report on!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Chest Infection Diarreah
convert water into gas, saving 25-50% gasoline. This is possible if you have a HHO - used converter. read
belongings for you another example to. The site can be read in German, so, simply click on the state flag.
Tags: car run on water, hydrogen power, HHO, Brown Sches save gas, gasoline, alternative raw materials, water instead of Gasoline, water, hydrogen converter, where you get a converter Hydrogen water, water power, fuel saving, fuel saving, Stan Meyer water fuel, water hybrid, water fuel cars
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Letter Not To Renew Employment Contract
Am I still come across something interesting. In the U.S. there is a "National Hydrogen Assosiation" . She takes care of this outstanding technology. It is interesting that those, like myself, believes that this technology will be the absolute hype. But just read themselves
HHO gas fans, there is some updated news from the National Hydrogen Association on what they call Hydrogen Fuel Injection Systems which we call hho gas generators or running your car on water. It's on the water hybrids page . I interviewed Patrick Searfass this week about this technology and he gave me alot of confidence that this industry is truly rising up out of nowhere and could become pervasive rapidly. It is very exciting.Also, I put together a little post on pros/cons of do it yourself vs complete kits . Think of it as meta data based on all the ebooks and kits reviewed on the site. Of course, we're still waiting for the Aquygen folks to make some announcements about their product plans but as mentioned previously, it appears they will focus on the trucking industry first.
You can even go to the American Blog:
look calm a look what's going on in Ami-Land on the subject.
Tags: car run on water, hydrogen power, HHO, Save Braun Sches gas, gasoline, alternative raw materials, water rather than gasoline, hydrogen water converter, where to get a hydrogen water conversion, water power, fuel savings, Diesel savings, Stan Meyer water fuel, water hybrid, water fuel cars
Does Cranberry Juice Shrink Your Dick
excerpt from the car image of 15 December 2000
Extreme reactions under heavy rain tropical sky. Bewilderment and euphoria. Incomprehension, skepticism and belief in an automotive world revolution:
The mystery of the water car inventor of the Philippine Daniel Dingel (AUTO BILD 42/00). Now for the second time we visited in Manila will always inscrutable.
The "miracle of Manila," a Toyota Corolla. has to enter through a mysterious mini-reactor with clean tap water - enters the next round.
is Daniel, a gifted jet in the same old T-shirt and jeans, the Einstein of drive technology?
Or a cunning charlatan? Drives the now of lawyers and hunted worldwide business groups and clauses, preliminary agreements and letters of intent surrounded inventor hoax at the highest level? Or is he actually managed to have to drive a car with water?
The question has not only to us: Hundreds of letters have reached the editorial office. the phone had not stopped. Engineers, scientists. Collectors - everyone wanted to know: Can it really be?
with us in Manila: two men. are familiar with unusual phenomena. Günther E. Brand (59), inventors and venture capital intermediary conveyor from the Rhineland, and his technical advisor. Automotive engineer Dieter Klauke (60).
After the meeting with
were as perplexed as they Dingel split. So go and forth on the pros and cons, that they knew to help with a bet. Brand: ".. I'll bet that 10 000 Mark Daniel Dingel has found the Philosopher's Stone I drove the car have not found any evidence of conventional fuels such as gasoline, diesel or gas.."
"I bet the other hand," said car manufacturers Klauke. "No one can put the first law of thermodynamics, expires. He says that you can be up to produce as much energy as you put inside. Dingels thing is for the pure teaching of science do not work. Not really."
Klauke, managing director of two Smart Centers in Cologne and Aachen, asks for reflection, is asleep one night about it and leaves the next morning but surprisingly open a back door.
"clean externally and to the engine compartment is Dingels car just a normal four-stroke four-cylinder. It is like any other start, shows the same performance. Sounds like a standard Corolla and offers at first glance, no standard deviations. No mysterious hassle, no extra switches, except a few standard measurement for a prototype switches.
Certainly he has no hidden fuel on board. The thing is totally normal. "
At first glance. The second confuses the German engineer thoroughly. Klauke: "There is no obvious signs of burning fossil fuels on board Maybe Dingel is in a border area ventured beyond the norm, if he could do it, he would be a new Einstein..."
Dingel laughs. Mocked us when we weigh his car want - and forbids it. Is offended. Klauke than with an exhaust gas tester comes - and forbids it. "What do you want? I steal with such simple tests the time?
not offend me. I'm not Einstein, there are no miracles. There is only a radical break with traditional knowledge. And new thinking."
Then finally he takes the time to explain what he thinks so, it was not - as before suspects - hydrogen, which drives his car. "Although I create the board, but that is not enough," said Dingle. "An electromagnetic field I convert it into a new form of energy. A substance which, until the patent is granted, remains my secret. It is what drives the car. It is the rule input, the same output overrides. "
Klauke, before long engine development manager at Fichtel & Sachs wants to know more. Investor fire, which wants to help with money and an army of lawyers Dingel in obtaining patents in the world wants to know everything. But Dingle is silent.
"Because the whole thing is so easy," he says. "If, after the patent my invention is known. are all laughing. This is the simple solution "
Until then, only so much... The new form of energy is formed in a so-called converters and up to the leaves Dingel, of course, nobody, the inventor remains that would result from the hydrogen something completely new, more energetic than . conventional fuel his old Corolla needed so as an additional lubricant Dingels special EMF-01, a mix of tropical plant extracts and Chinese aromatics - "would otherwise be the pistons seize"
If everything is correct, would destroy a lot: the hydrogen models of the giant. Mercedes, Ford and BMW with its fuel cells. hydrogen and methanol engines. For to have the system Dingel, adapted according to fire below 5000 mark, it is possible for any existing car in the world make them fit.
destroyed if it really was so, would the world's dependence ÷ l. However, would not further destroy the ozone layer and climate. For Dingels water car needs nothing, nothing will. Only one liter of H2O per 100 kilometers away. It also leaves nothing - other than water vapor.
remarkable only: The flap, the fire stopped at the exhaust. smell first when wet, but the next morning, now dry, but slightly aromatized hydrocarbons. "In theory, by the engine oil be "presumed fire. Or maybe gasoline residues?
" We must now take up full speed to bring Dingels invention on the road, "raises investor a fire that with his company hauled Brabon" the world's 50 even inventors on patents added. He plans. Dingel, including car to get to Europe and to present to everyone.
"The automotive executives should take Daniel Dingel invention seriously. From what I've experienced here, this could be a real revolution. This man seems to be a genius. "
And sometimes resembles more of a phantom. One minute there, he is gone. This time on the way to Taipei, where one of the richest entrepreneurs in the country, plastics magnate Wang wants, Dingels invention into a new generation of hybrid cars "made in Taiwan" in sequence.
negotiating same time, a Swiss group, which would be related to Citroen, seriously cranky with the inventor. Investor fire: "We must hurry, otherwise we miss Germans a century opportunity." Possibly. Jörg Wigand
Basic Research: With his self-made equipment will provide later on Daniel Dingel entire neighborhoods with energy. Currently serve still needs the hall as a laboratory.
chemistry lesson: In the mini-reactor (arrow) is broken, the filled water into its components.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Can I Watch South Park On My Ipod
Turn your car into a water-burning hybrid vehicle!
The water converter operates at 99.9% of all cars.
following is a translation of the manual for the construction of the water-hybrid system from English into German.
A good start is probably that first had to learn to understand what these water hybrid technology is . First I would like to respond to frequently asked questions.
What is the water-hybrid system?
A water hybrid is able to convert their cars from gasoline in a water-burning car. It can also be used for normal operation in order to reduce consumption. The transducer directs gas consisting of hydrogen and oxygen, obtained by electrolysis of water, for combustion. Although gasoline is no longer needed in theory, it is advisable to discontinue the operation not. The only by-product, as a result of the hydrogen and oxygen combustion water vapor. Therefore, the emissions and pure, created with the result that less particulate matter. In short, "The water-hybrid system is a" clean "system , one that a complementary alternative to gasoline is burlap;! water
The water-hybrid system is a thousand times in use and has already put in countless ways by engineers, mechanics, and hobbyists around the world to the test. It is the result of many years testing and experimenting with a variety of hydrogen generating systems based on electrolysis of water.
is water electrolysis simple words, the splitting of water into its components, hydrogen and oxygen. It takes no electrolytes (such as acid) cause the water to the conductivity of the water is given, as in a battery. Plain water works well because it already contains natural electrolytes in the form of mineral additives such as chlorine and in addition, contributes to the conductivity. Actually, the electrolysis is similar to your car battery. Electrolysis of water is nothing new. It was first used 100 years ago. But until the technology of how the water-hybrid system was developed, it needed a strong power source and consumed a quantity of electrical energy. It took a lot more electrical energy than the product brought Hydrogen and oxygen, obtained it. Anderst said it was an extremely ineffective process that had only very limited practical use.
The water-hybrid system is designed as a practical solution to be used in Benzineinspritzern and Vergasserfahrzeugen. The secret of the water-hybrid system is hidden in the HyTronic module . It produces a relatively low voltage, but a sufficient electronic pulse. The consumption of HyTronic module and the water-hybrid system is low. So small that it can be easily operated by the energy of the engine, with enough residual power for all other electrical loads your vehicle.
If the water-hybrid system Perpetuummobilie?
The water-hybrid system is not a Perbetuummobilie. It is a highly efficient, water-filled, electronic-mechanical system capable enough hydrogen and oxygen in sufficient quantity prepare to offer a full use of conventional engines.
If the water-hybrid system safe?
vehicles which are driven by water-hybrid system, are generally safer than vehicles that are equipped with a hydrogen tank. In contrast to the hydrogen tanks, prodzuziert the water-hybrid system is only so much hydrogen from water as needed straight. This hydrogen is burned continuously, so as to avoid a large accumulation of hydrogen gas.
Why is called the water-hybrid system and converter?
The water-hybrid system is called conversion because it is not necessary that existing Systems of your vehicle away, have to be modified or extended. It is designed so that you can use your vehicle with either 100% gasoline or diesel fuel or the water-hybrid system. should fail in the unlikely event that your water-hybrid system once, you can simply switch back to operate on gasoline or diesel. But surely you will quickly bring back your water-hybrid system in transition. Because once you're down with the water-hybrid system, you do not want anything else!
How well the water-hybrid system?
A water-powered hybrid vehicle system has a theoretical range of 50-150 km for each liter of water, and reduces fuel consumption up to 45%. It depends on various factors, driving style, environment, vehicle weight and improve the skill of the system.
Can the water-hybrid system can also be used anderst?
Yes, the water-hybrid system can be used for almost any household appliance that is used with gas or propane to natural resources so as to save gas. In today's world, where prices for shooting into the air, this is probably the cheapest solution.
Exellent can use it for heating, cooking stove and barbecue grill. To the current from your wall outlet of 220 to get the required voltage to 12 volts, which is required for the operation of the water-hybrid system, you can use a transformer, you can now buy cheap already in any electronics shop. The power consumption of the water-hybrid system is in most cases less than 3 € per month.
is to build the water-hybrid system complicated?
No, the water-hybrid system is relatively easy to build and install, compared with other Wasserumwandler on the market. There are no special tools. Normal tool that is in a normally-equipped home workshop is sufficient. Only the assembly of the module HyTronic work requires a very precise and requires special attention. The only special part is a test oscilloscope. It is not necessary, but helps the efficiency of the module HyTronic guaranteed. But you should not see a problem here the help of a local electronics have to get, if you have no oscilloscope. Most people are excited about the new electronic systems and are happy to help or any advice to improve your HyTronic module.
Can I buy a water-hybrid system ready for installation?
Until now, not this specific water-hybrid system is not produced commercially, but there are already several vendors for parts or Even whole building systems offer using similar technologies and principles.
you can use your water-hybrid system with the building instructions to build yourself! A little bit of skill and understanding of the technology and it is not a problem
videos on the topic they can, under the heading "The Evidence" on this page. Just click on the left menu or read.
Note "Important note to all those who also want to install something in her car: Please note that such a system is not allowed according to traffic regulations in Germany."
Friday, May 30, 2008
Prom Dresses Under 50 Dollars In Vancouver Bc
HHO - This topic is so hot, the world could do without oil, only the oil industry is doing everything so that it is not so much so long as that still have enough oil to sell it.
Today I show you some video evidence and holds the worldwide patent for technology that works.
Stan Meyer is the inventor, he has several patents on this technology (Run Car On Water).
Look at the videos on this: Part 1
Part 2
Published in the AUTO BILD No 42, 20:10:00
It works that even a man to beat from the Philippines. He would have come to the world his invention, if the proceeds from the sale will be used for poor Filipinos. He wants to establish a foundation for it. Businessmen from Germany and Japan have already tried his technique (steal) to copy. Look at his video.
Have you looked at everything. This is UNBELIEVABLE . Am I right? And it works 99.9% of all cars.
there who cares. The guide to and how everything works you can buy here costs $ 50, the technique to your needs around 100 €. The worth of gasoline at today's prices.
Technorati Profile
Thursday, May 29, 2008
What Would Happen If You Swallow Scope Mouthwash

Yes They just do not like ! So it was me. is
But first, why is this so interesting.
The rise gasoline prices rise and . This has led me more and more to do without my car. Not happy, more necessarily. Now I know again how to make a train travel goes. What ever happened to my convenience?
enough for me so that Government always know point out that one should avoid to alternative raw materials , but can you buy my car. I drive a diesel, just 4 years old. The diesel prices have indeed exploded, since more and more people have bought a diesel car. The shows have really ...... t. I can still clearly remember that before 10 years at a cost of DM 1.05 liters of diesel yesterday to the Aral € 1.529 The ultimate winner here is our dear country. What are there more in VAT revenues alone. I guess, but have no interest to stop that. Is it a super Source of funds. billion more revenue!
Now I'm still met with the solution. Am again surfed through the net and lo and behold there actually was. The best thing is that 99.9% of all cars can use it. The solution is:
Drive your car with water!
is so arranged as if it had discovered a resourceful Ami, but not so that has been around since 2 World War II. It was only as "brown gas Sches known. Has not only prevailed, probably because other interests were there. I found on the net that once a Saab car is said to have built it. Is still very popular and sought after by collectors.
What I've said before, take water car? The spiders but, how is this going to. So I asked myself further. And nothing easier than I found out then.
There is a detailed guidance can be bought on the internet and gets immediately sent by e-mail. The manual is written in English. But something powerful for each of the English is not a problem.
touched short, these are a Converter, the regular gas water divides and the gas is then fed to the combustion. With the effect that incineration is better and more effective performance upgrades to bring, and at the end comes out as waste water again. Sounds strange, but Sun
The best thing is to be that almost anyone can install yourself, and it still works.
I'm no professional and can therefore not explain it technically.
Now many say surely shall I publish this guide. I can out of copyright reasons, unfortunately not.
tip from me, whom it is interested in investing the few dollars and try it out. In the current dollar exchange rate that is a bargain.
I, for the cares for each time a link read information and set up .
reading is free and details are always good! The set also have some videos on the topic.
In the next post I'll then write something to HHO . What is it, is it safe and so on!
If you know more about it, like write a comment in this blog.
drive a car with water, hydrogen power, HHO, Brown Sches gas, fuel saving, alternative raw materials, water rather than gasoline, hydrogen converter water Where can you save a hydrogen water conversion, water power, save gasoline, diesel. Stan Meyer