No - I am not a member of a sect ...
and I have nothing to do with any organizations who express critical of the church and I also belong not to the "Universal Life" or Scientology.
Why link to the links page the pages of, for example pastor Hegeler , or "" are? Simple, we find that these sites also provide information, the better for Assessment of the overall situation is helpful.
Personally, I'm already resigned since about 1987 from the church.
There is also no correlation between the time the page and the current molestation allegations against the Catholic Church.
There is still a - previously unpublished correspondence - with the Archdiocese of Bamberg , but who has already taken place in 2008.
content, it goes by several dozen cases of abuse, the Marian directly with the Congregation (MC) and the first director DDr. to do Karl Theodor Kehrbach so they are also in the seventies.
fact is: to prove this mail (they were as the same time a copy forwarded to the Vatican) that after the announcement of the incidents to the Domdechant Otto Münkemer in 2008, another senior cleric of the Archdiocese of Bamberg was charged with repeated sexual abuse of minors.
These specific allegations have been systematically covered up until today by the Archdiocese of Bamberg and denied ...
However, there have been about a week, a sign of the change, because the prosecutor Bamberg on 15 March 2010 is an official investigation launched into this matter - a press statement on this massive charges is still pending.
is the file number: 108 Js 3169/10