We read Das Kapital (volume 1) by Karl Marx.
From 17.11. Tuesdays, 19.30 clock in HS 1 (old Rewi, Jakob-Welder-Weg 4)
To begin, we want to discuss the following sections (21 pages):
first chapter. The first product
The two factors of the product: use value and value (value substance, value, size)
second Double character of the goods shown in the Work
third The form of value or exchange value
A. Simple, single or accidental form of value
first The two poles of the value expression: relative value-form and equivalent form
second The relative value form
a) content of the relative value form
b) Quantitative determination of the relative value form
In Anaconda Publisher appeared a favorable Euro 10 edition.
ISBN: 38 66 47 32 57
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