all visitors on Heritage Day 2008 and therefore for all signatories to this initiative:
The Bamberg martyrs deserve a memorial.
Without the help of the following persons would not have been possible to produce the speech of last Sunday:
Franca Helen Heinsch: Historian
Ing Uwe Krüger: Positioning
Ralf reflection: 3D modeling animation +
Bernardo Eberstadt: Moral Consulting
Dr. Balthasar Schramm: advisory + Copyright
Karsten claw: Voice of "Johannes Junius"
Prof. Peter Wehr: art consulting
art-media Bamberg: Production + concept
Jörg Wasmus: Rendering
KC Glaser: video technology
JJ-Productions: Location Management BA
Carl Pico: Software Consulting
Jörg nations sound tec
Oliver Jacob 3G logistic / Apple Development
Wilbert Hirsch: Kompostion + production Soundtrack
Peter Enge Risser: historical derivation
Staatsarchiv Bamberg
Staatsbibliothek Bamberg
Apple Computer Cupertino
and of course my thanks also to my family and many dear helpers on site.

Apart from the fact that our event was on behalf of the building construction work a serious success with several hundred visitors, it must be clear that this is only a first step in the right direction can be. is offered
It is probably still a lot of water flowing down the Regnitz until one day we can perhaps say with complete justification, that the unfortunate victims refused to allow the History of the Inquisition Bamberger long "MINIMUM FOR REFERENCE.
given it would be necessary to install an appropriate memorial for the martyrs: so that all residents and visitors to our home town the whole of this unique history of the early modern period can understand in context.
This initiative is now responsible headed by historian Helen Franca Heinsch and it will be an interested citizen to have a petition to sign, which is to promote this desire - even On-Line this will be possible soon.
Education Pack
Our offer to all Bamberger schools is as follows:
we will put together a comprehensive package, and all relevant information about the epoch of the Bamberg witch trials in picture, sound, word, and of course, all historical data relevant to a interactive DVD - in a top-notch quality.
This product can order any Bamberger school with us - we assume the cost.
This would it make sense in our opinion, a union in this city of all participating institutions to give life to take account of all existing information together, evaluate and taught properly to produce as a teaching tool.
For a critique of the event
the uncontested allegation that I am not a historian, I comment as follows:
Everyone who deals with the study of history, can call antiquarian .
The word means nothing more than SCIENCE, KNOWLEDGE, and because our presentation and our websites have given a lot of uncontested knowledge whistle for me, I very casually to the criticism of historians, their "core competence" of me see it challenged - each of these people are significantly better opportunities than I would have had to work through this epoch-making core of the history of Bamberg, which is therefore also a unique monument of the social history of Germany and Europe - why has no one done then?
The allegation that "the lecture was lurid" I meet as follows: through the painstaking work of Mr. Krueger and Mr. reflection we have the torture chamber "the embarrassing question" new measure, completely reconstructed in 3D and also for historical depictions of contemporary artists established. This part of the work we have presented in any lecture, but left the torture chamber closed.
We have had at our expense in a studio Hamberger produce a soundtrack that acoustically would imagine in a medieval torture prison. This symphony of Graun we have not played, because it would have been just too cruel.
ran Instead, during the multimedia show unknown classical music we were exclusively provided by the composer Wilbert Hirsch (complete audio, Hamburg) - played by the Players & Singers of the Prague Symphony Orchestra .
Sorry for the "stall"
As I have previously never held a lecture, we thought that the whole film would expire in about 40 minutes. That eventually made it lasted an hour longer, we could not guess, for lack of time as it has not even been a dress rehearsal.
has since left but no one was ahead of the hall, probably the ok.
to finance the campaign
To date a dozen people have invested a lot of time and money into this company. No one to date has ever demanded money for it.
The future?
Since last week already gave the first tender official talks with the city of Bamberg - there are realistic new ideas and there will be other publications and press articles, all only have one goal: the best possible work-up of the whole truth, without political interference, without personal Nicklich and without the slightest compromise - because historical truths are not negotiable for us.
That's our job - and every citizen of Bamberg invited to contribute his knowledge and objective criticism.
Thank you for your attention.
Ralph Kloos
PS: Thanks to the collaboration of Peter Enge Risser and Uwe Krüger, we were also the course of the stream "flows under the question" clearly localize - There are 11 new slides, our location calculation clearly demonstrated. Overall, the position calculation has thus almost 90 films.
PSS: I have better things to do, as the boycott, and censorship of the local "press" comment.